
Pack A - Plastic Container + Ribbon

Include: Marshmallow + Ribbon + Personalized Tag
Minimum order: 100pcs

100-499pcs: RM5.00/pc
>500pcs: RM4.50/pc

Pack B - Polka Muffin Cup Door Gift

Include: Marshmallow + Plastic + String + Personalized Tag
Minimum order: 100pcs

100-499pcs: RM2.50
>500pcs: RM2.00

Pack C - Clear Pack

Include: Marshmallow + Plastic + Personalized Sticker
Minimum order: *5kg of marshmallow (Qty per pack subject to customers order)

Packing Charges: RM50 (including clear plastics)

*Note: For 5kg marshmallow equals to 350++ packet (subject to 5pcs/pkt & sizes)
